
Meet you at the CEIT Dofasco Entrance Foyer

Have you been to CEIT lately? I went to CEIT to milk that sweet free wireless Internet connection a few weeks ago and made a startling discovery; every major part of the building has been named after a corporation. Take for example the March Networks Exhibit Atrium.

You can look at pretty rocks and then commit suicide too. Posted by Hello

I, for one, think it is just fantastic that a company that sells techno-fascist digital surveillance systems to civil-rights-stomping police forces around the world supports our university.

Boo! Posted by Hello

I don't like Hamilton, so I automatically dislike Dofasco.

What? Theater? Theater?! It's theatre, T-H-E-A-T-R-E. Jesus. Posted by Hello

First they change their name from Royal Bank of Canada to RBC, and now they (or the sign company) spell theatre, "theater." Argg! I have to go and vandalize the local "RBC Royal Bank" branch now.

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